Protect yourself against fraud or scams

Your security is our top priority, and we want to keep you informed about potential threats.

To help you stay vigilant, we’ve put together some examples of the most common scams but scammers constantly come up with new ways to contact you.

Impersonation scams When someone pretends to be the police, a bank, a friend or a business, to convince you to send them money.

Investment scams When you’re invited to invest in things that are worthless or don’t exist.

Purchase scams When fake or non-existent items are advertised for sale.

Advance fee scams When fake companies ask for an upfront fee and then don’t provide the service you’ve paid for.

Invoice and Mandate scams When account details on an invoice or regular payment instructions are changed, or emails are intercepted, so the money is wrongly paid into the scammer’s account.

Romance scams When someone pretends to be interested in a romantic relationship with you. They gain your trust and then ask for money.

Pension scams A scammer says they can make you money, and convinces you to take a lump sum out of your pension – then steals it.

CEO scams A scammer sends savvy emails impersonating the company CEO or other company executives and asks employees to help them by sending a wire transfer.

Bereavement scams A scammer contacts you after someone has died, and says you owe money to pay off a debt or to access a payout.

Phishing, smishing, and vishing You receive an email, text message, or call claiming to be from a well-known company or organisation such as a bank or the police.


A few tips to get you started

Be sceptical and vigilant

Be cautious and stay alert, especially if a money transfer bounces back, as it may indicate you have sent it to an account that’s been closed for fraud; avoid reattempting payments if new details are immediately provided or if asked to pay in another currency, and instead, consult with a trusted friend, family member, or contact us for guidance.


Seek advice from someone you trust

If you’re unexpectedly asked for money, talk to someone you trust. Remember that feeling embarrassed or uncomfortable talking about the situation, could be a sign that something is wrong. Consider consulting a qualified financial adviser before making any investment decisions.


No rush! Ask questions and do your research

  • Before dealing with any websites or companies, ask questions and gather information.
  • Read reviews from other users who have used the same sites or companies.
  • Take your time and don’t rush into making payments.
  • Make sure the website you’re visiting is genuine.
  • Look out for any subtle misspellings in the web address.
  • Check for a padlock symbol next to the website address in your browser, indicating a secure connection.

By asking questions, researching, and verifying website authenticity, you can reduce the risk of falling victim to scams or fraud.


Provide accurate payment reasons

When transferring money, communicate the real reason for the payment so we can help protect you from potential scams. Scammers often attempt to mislead you by encouraging the selection of incorrect reasons, thereby bypassing appropriate warnings. Always report any suspicious activity to us promptly.


Protection – Authorised Push Payment (APP) scams

An APP scam is when you make a Faster Payment or CHAPS payment to a payee you think is genuine, or for a purpose you think is legitimate, and it turns out to be fraudulent.

We’ve signed up to the Contingent Reimbursement Model (CRM), a code that aims to reduce and protect you from APP scams. It means we’ll refund you if you’re the victim of one, as long as you weren’t to blame for the success of the scam.


If you ever receive an email or text that seems suspicious, please forward it to [email protected]. Additionally, visit our website [Monetumpay’s New Page: Security and Fraud] for detailed information on how to protect yourself against these scams.


Remember, we are here to assist you. If you suspect you’ve been targeted or have any concerns, please contact us immediately.